Tuesday 6 November 2012

Moving... a moving movement...

The day of the actual move came and much faster than we had anticipated. There was some much to be done and so little time to do it in. Besides the packing we still had to work. We also had to look around for necessary things we did not have yet. We lacked kitchenequipment, we had no beds or a sofa. Closets we did not need, because these were part of the rooms. Thankfully things like a refridgerator and an oven are standard parts of a house here. A nice bonus were the two freezers in the basement!
Again we had help. One of our colleagues, Susanna, had some surplus kitchengear. It turned out to be a bit more than "some". She gave us pots and pans, glasses and mugs, cutlery and kitchenutensils. On top of that we received loads of towels, curtains, a livingroom table, a kitchentable with chairs, coffeemachine, toaster and watercooker. And all she wanted in return was a homemade pie.... We only had to come and collect the things. When we did, we got an additional bonus. There was a single bed, a desk and a small loungechair for our youngest daughter, a tv, a large pile of bedsheets and covers, lamps..... We were stunned, surprised and really happy. Another colleage, Lena, helped us too by offering us a bookcase and a desk. We figured that these would be great for Annalena. Our employer Malin granted us permission to us the Priolevacompanyvan to get and transport things to our house, previous to the actual move.
Before all this we already had been given 2 rockingchairs, a bedsofa, a matras for Annalena's bed and a large bookcase by Esther's parents.
For some of the larger pieces we needed we searched a national sellingsite blocket, where we found a bed for us, a bed for Elsa and our sofa, all dirt cheap. These were moved into the house to. For the actual move Per-Åke offered the large van from Roslunds potatis to us. Again the community came to our aid....

The day we moved, saturday 20 october, was a miserable one; it was grey and rained... the entire day... and Hans, Esther's dad, helped us. The loading of the van went smoothly, the unloading however a lot less so. We had to struggle uphill with every single box or handfull and the path to the house quickly turned into a mudslide. What a mess!
Luckily we have a small shack at the bottom of the hill, next to the "road", so many of the heavier boxes were temporarily stacked there. But the damage had been done and remains to this day.
On the bright side, we did see a moose, while driving here the first time! So this move was in 2 ways similar to the previous one; lots of rain and a moosesighting. I consider the latter to be a good omen.
After we had unloaded the first load, we went over to Lena's place in order to get the bookcase and desk. These turned out to be 2 real nice wooden bookcases and a gorgeous wooden desk. We were not expecting this at all..... Luckily for us did Annalena not like the desk, so it has become a centrepiece in our livingroom, behind which I am typing right now.
Esther's mom had made dinner for us all here and took care of our kids all day. She also tested out livingroomstove and that one does give of plenty of warmth!! So no worries here, when winter comes.

We can not say thank you enough to all these people!!!

After a hard day's work, we turned in early for the first night in our own home......

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